About Me

💻 Coding is my canvas. Much like painting, designing classes, modules, and architecture is an art, with numerous ways to make it both aesthetically pleasing and functional. However, I find true satisfaction when code solves the right problem effectively.

My mental framework to building products revolves around two fundamental questions:

  1. Why? What problem are we solving? Do we truly understand it? Learning from past attempts, successes, and failures is key to our success.
  2. How? Identifying the best tools and resources, including languages, frameworks, and infrastructure, is essential. Sometimes, writing code isn't the only solution.

🛠️ I view languages, frameworks, and infrastructure as tools. I have a keen affinity for some (like Python, java.util.stream, Docker, PostgreSQL, Vim) and less for others (looking at you, Lombok). I prioritize selective use, ensuring each project gets the most suitable tools.

🤝 I'm a firm believer in the power of teams. By leveraging each member's strengths, we can compensate for weaknesses and achieve far more together than individually. I'm committed to fostering collaboration to drive exceptional results.